Sunday, June 12, 2011

Episode 8- I Robot, You Jane

In 1418, a group of Italian priests use magick to trap the demon Moloch in a book, only to be released if the book is ever read aloud. In 1997 Sunnydale, the computer teacher, Ms. Calendar, is working on a project to digitally scan all the books in the library. When a new arrival, in a strange language, is scanned, Moloch is released into the computer... and into every computer connected to it. Now Buffy must face Moloch's human minions, while Giles must figure out how to exorcise a demon from the Internet.
Meanwhile, Willow meets a nice boy online. His name is Malcolm...

This episode is one of the most entertaining in the intire first season. It wasnt one to keep me on my toes, but it was surely one where if someone were to come turn it off i would attack them and be thinking about that episode til i watch the rest. In this episode, Willow gets a computer boyfriend named Malcolm. Buffy and Xander know that its wrong and think Willow should stop. If Aly were to have a computer boyfriend and shes never met, i would probably do the same thing that Buffy does to Willow. Maybe worse. Malcolm ends up going into robot form instead of his true demon form. If that would happen to me, i would be the only one in history that would have died from my demon robot boyfriend smashing me through a wall after i refused to love him.

~Emma <3

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