Monday, June 13, 2011

Episode 10 - Nightmares

Buffy has a nightmare about being attacked by the Master. Later in class, a student opens his book and spiders emerge and attack him, while a young boy stands outside the classroom window. In his lair, the Master explains to the Anointed One that fear is the most powerful force in the world, and changes are about to take place. Buffy, Willow and Xander question the spider boy, who says he's had recurring nightmares about such attacks. Later in class, Buffy finds out there is a test she's totally unprepared for. As soon as she starts writing, she glances at the clock and sees almost the entire hour is up. Again, the boy appears.
Later, a girl goes into the school basement and is attacked by a huge Ugly Man. Questioned in the hospital, she's able to provide one clue: the attacker said the words "Lucky Nineteen." Xander enters a class to find everyone staring at them -- he's only wearing boxer shorts. Buffy finds a newspaper picture of the boy who keeps appearing. The article says he's in a coma after falling down the steps after a little league game. Buffy notices his uniform number: 19. Giles says even though the boy's in the hospital, perhaps Buffy has been seeing his astral body, which can travel through time and space. Buffy's father picks her up at school and explains he left home because Buffy caused so much trouble and was a disappointment to him. He leaves Buffy in shock -- and the boy appears again. Willow and Xander talk to Giles, who explains that their nightmares have been coming true, leaving everyone vulnerable to all sorts of danger. Buffy finally confronts the boy, who explains that Ugly Man wants to kill him. Suddenly, the Ugly Man appears and starts to attack Buffy, who is no match for him. Giles warns Xander and Willow that Buffy's nightmares could be fatal, and they must find her. Willow's attempt leads her into her own nightmare: she is onstage in an opera for which she is woefully unprepared. Xander's search leads him to yet another nightmare: a clown he feared from childhood chases him with a knife. Buffy and the boy manage to escape Ugly Man by literally jumping from school during the day into a cemetery at night. The Master appears and shoves Buffy into an open grave. Willow, Xander and Giles need to find Buffy -- unless Billy is awoken, all reality will become nightmares within hours. They notice a cemetery -- in darkness -- is across the street, and go to investigate. Seeing Buffy's headstone, Giles laments not protecting her better, until Buffy emerges -- as a vampire. Giles says it's reversible, if only Billy could wake up. They go to the hospital and Ugly Man appears again. Buffy manages to attack him. She asks the little boy to finish the job -- he walks up to him and peels something off his face. Buffy returns to normal, and the real little boy awakens from his coma. His little league coach enters and is shocked to find the boy awake. Buffy confronts him about beating up the boy for losing a game -- when he tries to flee, Xander grabs him. Buffy's dad shows up after school and cheerfully greets her -- another happy ending at the Hellmouth.


I really liked this episode because i could relate to it. It was funny when Xander was being chased by a clown, when he was following a trail of chocolate. There were some funny parts finding out when peoples worst nightmares would be. Like Buffy, you would think that it'd be something along the lines of being killed. Instead, she was singing on stage to people in a funny outfit. Unexpected episode.

~Alyson **

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Episode 9- The Puppet Show

The new principal forces Giles to run Sunnydale High's annual talent show, and Buffy, Willow and Xander have to perform against their will. As if this isn't bad enough, things go further awry when one of the talent show participants is found with her heart removed. Buffy and the gang race against the clock to find the killer, and all the clues point to Morgan and his ventriloquist dummy. Turns out its not.

This episode IS an episode that kept me on my toes. I thought it was creepy. I have problems with creepy puppet dolls. I would have to cover up my eyes during the parts of the dummy. When then dummy was is Buffy's room in the middle of the night. Ahhh! I would've died. Then it turns out that there is a new demon that is behind it all, and that the dummy is trying to stop them. But, as i was watching it, and Buffy and the dummy were talking in the catwalks...I always got the feeling that he was going to kill her. It was kinda creepy.

~Emma <3

Episode 8- I Robot, You Jane

In 1418, a group of Italian priests use magick to trap the demon Moloch in a book, only to be released if the book is ever read aloud. In 1997 Sunnydale, the computer teacher, Ms. Calendar, is working on a project to digitally scan all the books in the library. When a new arrival, in a strange language, is scanned, Moloch is released into the computer... and into every computer connected to it. Now Buffy must face Moloch's human minions, while Giles must figure out how to exorcise a demon from the Internet.
Meanwhile, Willow meets a nice boy online. His name is Malcolm...

This episode is one of the most entertaining in the intire first season. It wasnt one to keep me on my toes, but it was surely one where if someone were to come turn it off i would attack them and be thinking about that episode til i watch the rest. In this episode, Willow gets a computer boyfriend named Malcolm. Buffy and Xander know that its wrong and think Willow should stop. If Aly were to have a computer boyfriend and shes never met, i would probably do the same thing that Buffy does to Willow. Maybe worse. Malcolm ends up going into robot form instead of his true demon form. If that would happen to me, i would be the only one in history that would have died from my demon robot boyfriend smashing me through a wall after i refused to love him.

~Emma <3

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Episode 7- Angel

Short Summary:
Angel and Buffy's relationship is threatened by a dark secret he has been hiding from her. And when that secret puts the life of someone close to Buffy in danger, she must make a choice.

Thoughts: So, if you've never seen this episode and want to watch it, then i probably wouldnt read this one, becuase i'm giving things away. So Angel has a big secret, he's a vampire. But he got his soul back after some gypsies gave it back as a curse for being Angelus, the meanest/worst vampire. Buffy, at the beggining of this episode, doesnt know that he's a vampire. She thinks that he's just some pretty hot guy who know she's the slayer and wants to protect her. She should've figured he was a vampire when she asked if he was stalker her at The Bronze. I think this, becuase she said that she could sense his presence but never saw him, and Giles said in the first episode that she can sense if there is a vampire near her or around. But that's just me. I love their relationship. It's so cute. Its a television show about vampires and ghosts and witches, yet they still make relationships to the audience. For example, when they're in Buffy's room, and she sees that her diary is open and she tries to cover up the face that is says "A" everywhere in it. Then finds out that he didnt read it. That'd be awkward... and she shows that awkward feeling very well. It kind of bothered me how she screamed like she's never seen a vampire before. That was annoying. I also wish that Darla wouldnt have died, becuase it'd be cool if she were in later seasons to make a twist. The Master is my least favorite Villian:P

~Emma <3

Friday, June 10, 2011

Episode 6- The Pack

After an altercation in the hyena enclosure of the local zoo, Buffy and Willow notice Xander start to hang with a new group of friends, and take on a slightly more primal attitude, including a liking for rare meat.

 My thoughts on this episode are kind of weird. At first i was like "what kind of hyena is that? Hyena don't like... possess people! (spelt that wrong)" But then i realized, "Oh, well i guess there are'nt vampires either." Lame moment

        I was really pissed at Xander. Even though he was possessed and couldnt control what he was doing. But still. I hated what he said to Willow and I wanted to just cry. I also hated how they killed the principle. The piggy was the cutest thing ever!! and i almost cried when they ate him. The poor pig was screaming!! :(

       For me, that was the most memorable episode in the first season. I hated it but it was good, if that makes any sense at all. I recommend this to not be the episode you watch, unless you're into live animal eating. :) Thanks Good day


Monday, June 6, 2011

Episode 5- Never Kill a Boy on a First Date

In the middle of a late-night sparring session at the cemetery, Buffy and Giles discover a ring with a mysterious engraving in it. The scene shifts to the Master Vampire's lair, where the Master explains that the Anointed One -- the Master's greatest warrior and the Slayer's greatest foe is due to rise from the ashes of five dead. The next day, Buffy is asked out by a handsome, poetry-loving classmate named Owen who she is smitten with. Buffy's good mood is spoiled by Giles, who's connected the engraving in the ring to a violent prophecy which is about to be fulfilled... that night. Buffy very reluctantly joins Giles at the cemetery, but nothing happens there. Meanwhile, an airport van crashes and although the five passengers -- including a burly, tattooed man who's been ranting incoherently -- survive the wreck, they die when the van is overtaken by vampires.

The next day, Owen and Buffy decide to try again, much to Giles' (and a very jealous Xander's) chagrin.

As Buffy prepares for her date, Giles comes over with the news: five people were killed the night before, just as the prophecy described, and one of them -- the tattooed man -- was wanted for murder. This leads Giles to believe that he is the Anointed one. Buffy insists on going on to the Bronze with Owen, but Willow and Xander agree to go along with Giles to the Sunnydale Funeral Home so he can check the bodies for clues. Giles is greeted by vampires, and though Willow and Xander try to help him, they realize this is Buffy's domain. They run off to the Bronze to fetch her, but she’s already hooked up with Owen. Unable to blurt out their news, they merrily suggest to Buffy a jaunt to the funeral home.

Once they get there, they're shocked to find Owen has followed them. As Buffy looks around for clues, the tattooed man -- now a vampire -- arises from a gurney and tears the place apart. Buffy kicks him, knocking him on a gurney, which hits the cremation oven and slides him right in. The next day, Owen is pumped up about the previous night’s adventures and can’t wait for the next date. Realizing she almost got him killed, Buffy reluctantly gives him the "let's be friends" speech. Giles commends her on her maturity, and reminds her that she did prevent a disaster. But all is not resolved. We see the Master in his lair, welcoming the Anointed one: it is an eight-year-old boy from the van accident, who smiles to reveal a mouth full of fangs.

Thoughts by Emma:

          In this episode, Buffy gets a boy that she likes. I dont really like when Buffy likes someone. It bothers me that she likes Angel and then the next episode she likes some other guy that no one has really heard of. Don't get me wrong, i like the guy, he's nice, But i just dont like the fact that Joss decided to put him in there. Maybe it was because they wanted to show that Buffy didnt wanna date other people, and was limited on who she got into relationships with. Views on the Anointed one. He's creepy and kind of intimidates me. The master looks like Voldamorts brother, and looks like he just drank alot of Cherry Kool-aid.
~Emma <3

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Episode 4- Teachers Pet

Short Summmary: Xander is smitten by the substitute biology teacher, Ms. French, who turns out to be a giant praying mantis terrifying enough to make vampires run for cover. Angel's warning gives Buffy a vital clue and she rescues the virgin male students—including Xander—chosen to fertilize the creature's eggs.
Long Summary:
One evening at The Bronze, Xander suavely saves the Slayer from a menacing vamp, then mounts the stage to play his guitar solo and "kiss her like she has never been kissed before." He is rudely awakened from this beautiful dream to find himself stuck in the hell known as biology class, and Dr. Gregory is about to call on him.

Dr. Gregory, the biology tutor and the only teacher who believes in giving Buffy a chance, speaks to Buffy after class, and encourages her to apply herself, knowing she can achieve great things if she puts in the effort. Warmed by his kindness, Buffy leaves. Dr. Gregory is then killed by an unseen monster. Angel shows up at the Bronze, warns Buffy that somebody wants to rip her throat out, gives her his jacket, and vanishes again. Buffy's attraction to Angel becomes apparent when she wears his jacket at school. Xander also feels inadequate next to Buffy's handsome, jock biology partner, Blayne Moll who never stops talking about his alleged sexual activities with girls.

The next day, news of Dr. Gregory vanishing spreads, alarming Buffy. The beautiful substitute teacher, Natalie French turns every boy's head, and seems to have a fixation with insects, especially the praying mantis, which she describes as "fascinating" and "noble", becoming hostile when Buffy calls it ugly. Miss French suggests making model egg sacs for the upcoming science fair and asks for the boys' help, which they eagerly offer. Buffy and Willow just roll their eyes. Miss French picks Blayne to be her lab partner that day, and Xander the next again day, much to the boys' glee.

Cordelia finds the headless body of Dr. Gregory in the cafeteria locker and Buffy is especially shocked. The Scoobies try to figure out if there is a connection to the Master, but don't rule out that there is a second monster about. Buffy goes into the park and confronts a vampire who has a large claw in place of a right hand. The fight is interrupted by the police, and the vampire flees. While in pursuit, she sees the vampire come up behind Miss French, who just stares at him. To Buffy's surprise, the vampire bolts in horror.

The next day, Buffy is sent to a counselor to help her get over seeing the dead body. This makes her late for the surprise test that Miss French gives the class; a test where she helps Xander with a question. Buffy looks through the window in the door, and Miss French turns her head 180 degrees to look at her. Later, Miss French asks Xander over to her house in the evening to work on a project. She then consumes a meal of crickets on bread.

Back in the library, Buffy realises that Blayne never returned home from helping Miss French. She figures that Miss French must be a praying mantis, and convinces the others. Giles states that his friend in England investigated a series of grisly murders, all of the victims teenage boys. His friend, Carlyle, reported that the murders were being carried out by a creature known as the "She-Mantis", or the "Virgin Thief", which preys on virgin males to fertilise her young. Buffy (pathetically) tries to warn Xander, but he brushes her off, saying that she is just jealous.

That night, Miss French welcomes Xander with a drink, a fire in the fireplace, and a tight dress. The drink knocks him out just when she turns into an insect. Xander wakes up in a cage next to Blayne, who tells him how she mates: by consuming the head of the victim. Willow calls Xander's mother and finds out that he isn't home. Buffy gets Giles to record bat sonar, which shocks the nervous system of the praying mantis and drives it into a fit. Miss French chooses Xander to be her next victim. When the remaining Scoobies visit the house where Miss French is supposed to live, they find a nice old woman who is the real Ms. French, but retired in 1972. To quickly find Xander, Buffy tracks the one-handed vampire, who is so scared of the she-mantis that he knows just which house is the right one. Buffy breaks through the window when the mantis is about to mate with Xander. She burns it with insect repellent, and Willow frees Xander and Blayne (revealing that Blayne is in fact a virgin). Giles and Buffy slay the giant insect, using the bat sonar to weaken it and then Buffy hacks it to death with a machete.

Buffy, in Angel's jacket, later meets him at the Bronze. He tells her to keep it, and Buffy is obviously attracted to him. The last scene shows Buffy putting Dr. Gregory's glasses in his closet, but not noticing that there are she-mantis eggs attached to the bottom of a shelf.


I thought this episode was funny, but gross at the same time. I love Buffy and Angel in the first season, they're so mysterious! What i like about the episode, is that its the only episode to ever say Xanders middle name... no? no one else found that cool... just me? okay. Anywho, i could tell that she was trying to seduce him and kill him, but was shocked to find out that she was a giant praying mantis. Thats a tad disturbing. Personally, if i were xander, and a hot male teacher did that to me. i wouldnt because i'd know that i live on the hellmouth, but i guess i'm not a guy and that makes a big difference. This episode was gross, funny, and cool.

~Emma <3

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Episode 3- The Witch

Buffy decides to try out for the cheerleading team. During trials, the hands of a girl named Amber spontaneously combust. Amy Madison seems to be under strong pressure from her winning mother, a star cheerleader in her day, and is crushed when she only makes the substitute list after Cordelia Chase and Buffy. An unknown person is bewitching Barbie dolls over a cauldron. Next thing is that Cordelia cannot see, which she proves the hard way during driving instruction, and is just saved in the nick of time by Buffy. According to Giles, blinding enemies is a favourite trick amongst witches.

To prove that Amy is a witch, Buffy, Xander and Willow collect eye of newt and some of Amy's hair during science class, and prove that she has cast a spell. Amy comes home and tells her mother to get with her homework — while she goes upstairs with Buffy's bracelet that she stole while Buffy was collecting her hair.

The next morning, a slightly manic Buffy blows her chance at the cheerleading squad when she tosses another girl through the room, ceding her slot to none other than Amy. Buffy turns out to have a bloodstone vengeance spell has destroyed her immune system, giving her only about three hours to live. The only way to cure her and break the other spells is to get the witch's spell book. The ailing Buffy and Giles go confront Amy's mother Catherine, and find the real Amy inhabiting Catherine's body: Catherine, months ago, had done a spell to switch bodies, saying that Amy was wasting her youth. Giles finds the witch's book and takes Amy and Buffy back to school to break the spells. Buffy is fading fast.

My thoughts on this episode are cool. At the very end of the episode they put Amys mom into a Cheerleading trophy doll. I like this episode alot, its probably my favorite in the first season, Because its unpredictable. I would never have guessed that the Amy that was at school was really her Mom. Even when they showed Amy at home bossing her mom around. I was too stupid to realize that that wasnt Amy. I love how at the end they show Amy's moms eyes scared in the statue. :)

~Emma <3

Friday, June 3, 2011

Episode 2- The Harvest

This episode picks up where the series premiere left off. Luke is about to finish off Buffy, who is trapped in a stone coffin, but is repelled by the silver cross that a mysterious stranger had given her earlier that evening.

Buffy escapes the mausoleum and saves Xander and Willow from vampires in the graveyard. Darla has taken Jesse, however. She and Luke inform The Master that there is probably a Slayer in town. The Master decides to use Jesse as bait.

Giles and Buffy give Xander and Willow a brief introduction to the world of vampires, demons and Slayers. Willow accesses the city council's plans for Sunnydale's tunnel system. In a flashback, Buffy realizes that there must be an access to it in the crypt. Xander is hurt when Buffy declines his help and follows her anyway.

Willow is researching the Master in the computer lab when Cordelia trash-talks about Buffy and insults Willow again. In a fine show of nerd revenge, Willow convinces Cordelia to press the DEL key to "deliver" her assignment. It ended up erasing her hard work. The dark stranger appears just as Buffy is about to enter the tunnel system in the crypt. He is named Angel. He gives her directions to The Master's lair, but only wishes her luck after she is out of earshot.

Xander catches up with Buffy. They find Jesse, who leads them into a trap. They barely escape, with Xander pulling Buffy out of a manhole. Underground, The Master is unhappy about their escape and punishes the vampire Collin by poking his eye out. Luke drinks the Master's blood, turning Luke into the Vessel. Every soul Luke now takes will give the Master more strength to break out of his confinement.

Buffy and Xander return to the library. Giles explains that the Master arrived 60 years ago to open the Hellmouth, a portal to another reality, but was swallowed by an earthquake. He is now hoping to escape with the help of a Vessel in a once-in-a-century opportunity called "The Harvest." To prevent the Master from escaping and opening the Hellmouth, they must kill the Vessel. Xander suggests that the vampires will be at The Bronze.

On her way there, Buffy swings by her house to get weapons, and is promptly grounded by her mother, who has been called by the Principal about Buffy skipping classes. Buffy grabs her weapons and climbs out her window.
Luke and other vampires burst into The Bronze and start the killing. Buffy arrives in time to save Cordelia. She also notices the Vessel mark on Luke's forehead. Xander ends up staking Jesse. Willow pours holy water on Darla when she is about to bite Giles. Buffy tricks Luke to win her fight. The other vampires flee. Outside The Bronze, Angel realizes that Buffy has done it and is suprised.

I think that Jessie should've been in more than two episodes, he was a cool character. I also don't like Darla, she's not very nice. But she's really pretty!! Just not when she's a vampire..then she's creepy! Luke was funny and reminded me of Arnold Swartzenegger.Too bad he died. I love Buffy's witty comments after every slay and pre-slay. She makes me laugh. Overall these two episodes were a pretty good start to the series.

~Emma <3

I wish i didn't have a limited amount of minutes on Netflix..

Okay so apparently Angel comes back from hell. Which frankly doesn't make any sense!
then i ran out of minutes on Netflix and cant watch it any more until the end of June!! How am i suppose to survive for that low! i gotta know what happens!!!
~ Alyson

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Episode 1- Welcome to the Hellmouth

A young vampire Slayer, Buffy Summers, has left her home in L.A. and has moved to Sunnydale, the home of the Hellmouth. Buffy, now at a new high school, is trying for a fresh start at a normal life. She is not the least bit thrilled when she finds out that the new librarian, Rupert Giles, was sent to Sunnydale as her Watcher and wants her to resume her Slayer duties. He explains to her that the city is located directly above the mouth of Hell, and he warns her of all the dangers she must face. Buffy, though, wants to be no part of this. She later meets a mysterious stranger named Angel, who reiterates everything Giles has told her and warns her of the impending vampire ritual known as the Harvest. Meanwhile, Buffy's new friends, Xander and Willow, find themselves in grave danger when they get involved with vampires.

Episode 1, Season1. When Buffy burns down her old school because of all the vampires. If this episode i dont really like the acting. Exept for Giles... he's always a good actor. I love how Buffy meets Willow. I also love when The Master is risin' and my sister says "Its Voldemorts Brother!" That made me giggle! Cordy was being annoying calling her a freak. Saying that Buffy tried to kill her and said a bunch of lies. I love Xander and i wish Jesse were in more than 2 episodes...

~Emma <3

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Walk Through the Fire

Buffy Explaination 1

When i first started Buffy the Vampire Slayer, i started on Season 4. My sister was watching it on Netflix in my basement, and i went down to see her and she was watching it. Then ... i got hooked. I watched from the 4th Season-7th Season. Then i started at Season 1 and went through Season 3. I was absolutely obsessed with the series by season 5. I would watch a season in a weekend.
I have always loved Spike. When i started, he wasnt all that mean of a vampire. And when I went back i didnt think I'd like him that much. Turns out I love him even more! In the first few seasons, he's hilarious! When i first watched the first season, i was disappointed of how "lame" it was. It improved alot. But, i got into the drama again and enjoyed it much by mid Season 1.
